Do you plan to create an application? Find out how the software development of applications should look according to the GDPR guidelines but from a more pragmatic point of view.
WannaCry, Petya, the Kaspersky scandal, the Cloudbleed data leak, the Shadow Brokers group activity… these are just some of the cyber-scandals of 2017. Therefore, the key question is not whether there will be an attack on the digital resources of the company, but when will it happen and to what extent is the company prepared to face it?
The security of critical business information is a matter of appropriate procedures and documents, but – above all – the resource security in terms of technology. What did the latest cyberattacks look like and how can you protect yourself and your company from them?
Year 2017 abounded in spectacular, international cyber attacks, which resulted in large losses, not only financial ones. Technological progress allows cybercriminals to access key company resources. What should we pay attention to in 2018?
The majority of organizations consist of various groups of employees, starting with people dealing with reception duties, finance, administration, quality management systems, production, and ending with customer service or accounting. Each department has directors who primarily focus on the proper performance of duties by the mentees, as well as sustainable development. This results in the fact that the managers compete with each other in terms of achieved results, despite dealing with different areas in the organization. Increasingly, the competition between CMOs and CIOs is a hot topic. Is this rivalry advisable when the importance of both CMO and CIO increases at the same rate? How to achieve synergy in the cooperation of these two departments?
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